We haven't posted much since last week, so I'll summarize.
Saturday was actually pretty quiet. I had to sneak away from John while he was sleeping and work in the morning. When I got home around 2 we played around the house. We grownups did housework after that, and mama made grilled cheese.
Sunday I was gone at the game store all day. When I got home I played with John and had the pot roast that mama made. It was Really Good, and we made it last. We had pot roast again on Monday and beef and lentel soup on Tuesday. There's even some soup left today!
Monday I got home from work and we played and I moved some furniature around. We decided to rearrange the living room again, and I started by moving a bank of shelves upstairs to our bedroom. That opened up a bunch of floor space, and we called it a night after we planned for the next day. Finally we all got together and went to the grocery store. John was glad for the change of scenerey, but when we got home he was ready for bed.
Tuesday John got to go play with Lilly. When I got home from work John and Mama were both still gone, so I moved furniature around for a while. When Mama got home John was ready for his nap, so I showed her what I had done and she vacuumed and cleaned while I went to a training for one of my jobs. When I got home I finished moving the couch, chair and crib so that the center of the room would be more open and available for use. So far it seems to be a good setup, though there are some little tweaks that we'll no doubt make. One thing that we noticed that was really exciting was that John got his first molar in! it's on the bottom on his left side. No wonder he's been cranky lately!
This is our John. There are many Johns out there, but this one is ours. Our daily life with John, celebrating the insignificant details that make up life.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Busy Weekend
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1:37 PM
John woke up late on Tuesday and I was glad, because I was tired from all the cleaning and moving and cooking lately. He got up at 11:30am and I changed his diaper and his clothes and gave him some milk. I had a slice of apple bread I baked the night before (I've been baking quick breads for Charles to eat in the morning, and I have some too). I got on the computer and Christi Lee Instant Messaged me. She asked if I wanted to come over to her house and let John play with her daughter Lily. We've gone together to baby cafe before. So, her husband same came to pick us up. We put John in Lily's car seat (Lily stayed home with mama). We picked up some sandwiches and went over. They made their dining room into a little playroom full of toys and soft cushions for Lily. John was surprisingly shy for a good 20 or 30 minutes, hiding his face in my lap and peeking out. Lily stared and stared at me, but then got used to a stranger in her room and started playing and trying to pet John's hair. She wanted to sit in my lap and John got jealous. Soon, they were playing together (kind of) turning on all the electronic beeping toys, and stripping the toy shelves of all toys. We left them alone for 30 minutes or so to watch TV and they were sort of chasing each other. John would drop his blanket when he went after something, and Lily would pick it up and go after him to give it back. Then we checked on them because Sam saw Lily was eating John's shoe. But, having had their mama's back, they wouldn't let us leave the room. We tried to go watch Teletubbies together, but John wouldn't sit still. He wanted to rip apart their living room. They had exposed electronics he wanted to get. They had a large cat tree that he climbed and took all the cat toys out of. He found one of Lily's old pacifiers (she never took to a pacifier) and kept it (I forgot to bring his). Then the babies were cranky and it was nap time. Lily went to sleep in her cute little room, but John wouldn't go to sleep in the playroom. He cried and cried and kicked and made the "I'm scared" cry, even thought he had mama's lap and his favorite blankie and a baba. The only thing that calmed him was a little music box toy that played Moonlight senata.
Finally, Lily went to sleep and Christi could drive us home. John nearly went to sleep in the car for the short 5 minute ride home. We had to back down the driveway because Charles was home and she couldn't fit the SUV up the driveway. Then we had to walk up the driveway. We finally got home and Daddy was there! Moving furniture. John got very happy to see Daddy, but Daddy had to leave to go to training class. Then it was finally nap time! But John didn't want to go to sleep. His crib was in the middle of the room and the visit with Daddy gave him a second wind. I left him in the crib and took a shower. John finally stopped fussing and went to sleep. I crept down the stairs and cleaned up until he woke up, then I vacuumed. John likes the vacuum. Meanwhile, I made some lentil soup. I boiled half a bag of lentils in the broth I strained from the pot roast. I had chilled it and threw out most of the fat. The broth had a lot of gelatin in it from the bones left in the roast. I threw in the meat tidbits I pulled off the night before, and the vegetable mash left in the roast, plus half a can of veg all. It came out pretty well. Needed a little salt.
I've decided I need a baby safe playroom, and its a shame to waste that extra bedroom we have. its too cold to have as a bedroom like I would like, so I can at least clear it out and make it safe if cold. Its a lot of work! we'll see how it goes.
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12:38 PM