So, two Sundays ago, we skipped church because we were tired. That Saturday we had gone to the Zoo and were a little wiped out, especially Charles who had a bad cold. Then on Monday, Charles was feeling better and we all went to our friend Bob's house for Charles to play warhammer with him. I was going to go and talk to his wife Sydney and let our kids play together. They have a 10 month old, Jake. However, Jake was feeling a little sick and had been sent home from daycare. Which meant Sydney had to stay home from work to stay with him. So, they were too cranky for me and John. I took John for lots of walks that night!
On Tuesday I baked a chicken. I used a thermometer and when I pulled the chicken out, the juices ran clear, so we ate it. However, when Charles went to carve up the leftovers, we found the chicken was still raw and bloody under the first layer.
As I was putting John to bed that night, he started throwing up all over the bed. At the same time, Charles had run to the bathroom. I cleaned him up and put him back to bed. I took all the dirty clothes and blankets down to the laundry room. Then I went to bed. John proceded to get up every hour and throw up all over, and I had to go down and clean him up, change his clothes and his bedding. This happened 6 times. I ran out of blankets and sheets, but by the morning, John was so tired and weak that he couldn't sit up and get it all over, he just turned his head and left a small puddle under him. ick! Poor baby was so tired he didn't really wake up when i picked him up and dressed him, then lay him on the floor and changed his crib.
That morning I had an 8am appointment with a psychologist for my airplane panic prescription. I couldn't miss it because it would take another month to get another appointment. So, we all packed up and drove to the psych office. By this time, Charles was also sick... he had to pull over the car and be sick on the way there. I had my 30 min appointment and then got referred to a psychiatrist who could prescribe medicine. I was given the appointment for the next week (I could have taken the next day, but I anticipated being sick myself by then). We went home, Charles crawled off to bed and I cleaned up John again and put him in his bed. Then, I finally succumbed to violent illness. I managed to watch John until 3, when my mom thankfully came up and I left her with the baby. By then, John was feeling better and was running around again.
I was violently sick for about 12 hours. So was Charles.
The next few days we were weak and couldn't eat. We called in sick to work. On Friday, we went back to work. we had to take John with us because Nana was now violently sick. We didn't get much work done that day!
On Saturday, I cleaned up the house, mopped the kitchen, disinfected the counter, and vacuumed. On Sunday, we intended to go to church, but we missed it by an hour. Daylight Savings! We forgot because we lost that week.
Then on Tuesday, I had to work to cover for the owners, who were in SoCal at a game and gift show. Since Nana was working, we had to take John to work at GoB with us again, and not much work got done that day either! I was late, too, because thats when I had my drugs appointment. Welcome to the eternal sunshine of my spotless mind.
Now, its our normal workweek. Things are pretty much back to normal. I'll make a Corned Beef on Monday.
This is our John. There are many Johns out there, but this one is ours. Our daily life with John, celebrating the insignificant details that make up life.
Friday, March 14, 2008
our terrible week
Posted by
8:17 PM
SF Zoo, finally
We went to the SF Zoo. We had a good time. We watched the penguins get fed fish, and swim around and around their pond. John wanted to jump in and go swimming with them. We saw a zookeeper with a bald eagle on his arm giving a talk, but John didn't really care. Charles listened to him while we watched the penguins. Then we went to see the tigers in their new exhibit. It now has a very high Plexiglas wall. The tigers were lying around the door, because it was tiger lunch time. They used to feed the tigers in the big cat house, where they would go into tiny, old fashioned cages with metal bars and be fed there, up close for the audience. That cat house has been closed for awhile. One of the tigress was fat with pregnancy. She had the baby tiger this week.
We saw the lions and we kept saying "John, look! A lion, rawar!" and he said rawaarr back to the lions.
We saw the newborn giraffe in the new giraffe barn, but John didn't really care.
Then we went to the little farm petting zoo portion of the zoo. John loved that! there was a large duck pond overflowing with ducks. He kept trying to jump in with them. There were sheep and goats to pet and feed. He liked to follow this one goat around saying gah! gah! he fed them little goat chow kibbles one by one, putting them on the floor for them to eat, like he does for the dog.
The sheep weren't too friendly. They would come up and take the food from you, but then not let you pet them. Teases!
There were some large white farm ducks and geese who liked to eat the goat chow. John fed them even after the goose bit him a little.
They had little rakes and wheelbarrows for the kids to help clean up the poop. John kept swinging the rakes at the wild mallards. Then the petting zoo closed and we had to leave. That really upset John!
Finally it was time to go home. We saw some other things, but I don't remember them. We ate our packed lunch and went home, John falling asleep in the car on the way home.
Posted by
8:03 PM
things John can say
purple- he says it to get a good reaction out of me. I think it sounds so cute, and its a two-syllable word! He doesn't understand that its a color
meat-he knows what this is. If you give him a piece of baloney or ham he says "meat". He stole the pepperoni off my slice of pizza the other day and said "meat"
More!- he seams to struggle to get this word out correctly. When he says this, he means it. Like when he eats all his portion of Mac & Cheese, he says more! and reaches out his hand. when he finishes his baba he holds it out and says either Mama or more. Both means he is demanding a refill.
Cheee- cheese. He can only get the first syllable out. He knows what it means.
He handed me something once, I think his baba for me to hold for him while he went to get a book, and he said Thankyou. He only did that once. I think he said sorry once after I told him no.
he says no, but he doesn't seem to quite grasp what it means, and we don't help him
he says buh-fly for butterfly, Duck (he loves pointing out ducks)
pop!- because in one of his books the baby bird pops out of the egg, and I bounce him up on my knee. so he says it when he jumps. he also says "papa" instead of "dada" sometimes
daddy- with a gap between the dad and the dy
cow- he can identify a cow and say moooo but its an unorthodox moo
kiddy- kitty. he says this sometimes but mostly he just says "hiss"
he still can't say Pig only "snort"
Posted by
7:36 PM