Today we went to get our Christmas tree. Yay! We took John to the tree lot and let him run around and touch all the trees. Then we picked out a nice Noble Fir tree that would fit on the stairs landing so we can put it up safely behind the baby gate. We have some lights on it, and will hopefully have it decorated for when John and Mary Challey arrive for their visit on Friday.
We went to the gettho tree lot that we have been going to for the past 3 years. Its over by our old appartment.
This is our John. There are many Johns out there, but this one is ours. Our daily life with John, celebrating the insignificant details that make up life.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Christmas Tree
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1:07 AM
John's eating better
John has been eating better lately, but last night he still woke up at 4am. He was easy to console, not fidgety like the last few nights. I tried again to take him to bed. He wasn't scared or crying, but he wasn't sleepy, either. He cuddled, then kept changing positions to cuddle in. Then he got up and started playing in the blankets, crawling all over to us, cooing and babbling. That's when I decided that he will NEVER sleep in our bed. If he's feeling bad, he cries anyway. If he is feeling good, he wants to play. Back in the crib John went, he cried for awhile but settled down. He didn't have much milk, but I changed his diaper anyway, so it wouldn't explode. John was happy and good today, with a good appetite.
On Thursday night, we came home from work and John had fallen asleep next to Nana on the couch. We didn't know if he was down for the night, it was only 10pm. We let him sleep and made dinner and ate it (hot dogs and mac n'cheese). Then, at 11:30 John woke up, ready to play! We were up with him late the night before, so we were tired! We tried to put him back in his crib to go back to sleep, but he hated that. We left him downstairs, and he put up a mournful cry. I felt bad for him, I knew he wasn't at all sleepy. So, I called on Nana to play with him until 2am when he was tired again.
Now we know to wake him up from any late naps!
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12:58 AM