This is our John. There are many Johns out there, but this one is ours. Our daily life with John, celebrating the insignificant details that make up life.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

neked baby!

John likes to take all his clothes off and then rip off his diaper and run around naked, especially when its bedtime and we haven't put him to bed yet.
He likes to run around, slaping his knees and belly. Then he goes to the full length mirror on the wall and flexes, with his arms bowed over his head. He bends forward and sucks in his belly, then he pushes it out and slaps his pot belly. He doesn't care that its very cold in the house and I'm in socks, bathrobe and wrapped in a blanket.
I like to let him have his fun. He looks at his feet like they are some alien appendiges. I know he doesn't get to see them much lately, they are always in socks or footie pajamas. At the same time, I don't want him to fire hose the carpet down!
The only way to stop him is to put him in a tight fitting zipper pajama. I put on a 3T footie pajama one piece, and he managed to climb out the neck hole and pull his hands and feet out of the loose elastic. He slithered out like a sheading snake. Any 2 piece outfit doesn't have a chance. The moment he is bored, off comes any loose-fitting shirt!

Christmas dinner

I had to cook it wraped in foil because it was too big for my casserole dish.

Happy New Year

Christmas pictures

John's new kitchen, bowl of "sink" came broken, but he just takes it out anyway.

John playing with my xmas elf hat.

John stompin on some papers near his toys

This is his "my first christmas" hat. It still fits (just barely)

The night before Christmas

and daddy is reading The Grinch who Stole Christmas to John.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sunny Day

It was a sunny day today, so John and I went down the driveway for a walk. Its been raining for the better part of two weeks. The driveway is sodden, and a little stream crosses it, leaking out of the hills and heading toward the stream running on the property line. John likes to go out and play in the muddy stream while I go get the mail. I don't mind, because the doggie leash has been in the car, and I don't want to fight with him about the street. He likes to go up hill and pick the leaves off plants, play with sticks, and collect as many driveway rocks as he can fit in his hands. We did this on Monday as well (I think, maybe it was yesterday?) On Tuesday it was raining (or was it Monday?)
John has been playing with his toy kitchen. I've been straightening up the spare room so it can be a playroom. We spent the dry part of Saturday moving useless things from the spare room to the downstairs storage room.
John has been babbling a lot lately. I think he said "kitty" once instead of "hiiissss!" at a picture of a kitty. Mr. Rogers was holding up baby chicks and John was slapping at them on the TV. I said, those are baby chickies, and he said "chickies". He won't repeat any of these words.

Disaster! John has learned to unlatch the baby gates! We were all in a habit of only setting the bottom hook into the eyelet to close the gate, to make it easier on Nana's hands. He has learned to lift the gate and open it. Now we have to close it properly, by using the stiff squeeze lock.

John hates getting his face and hands washed after dinner, so Nana has him washing his own face, hands, and tray with a damp washcloth.

He can sometimes clean up his toys, by putting the little people back in their box or his baby legos back in their own box.